Last day at work!

Tämänkertainen postaus ei varsinaisesti liity blogiin, mutta päätin jakaa videon täällä kun en ole nykyään Facebookissakaan... Asianosattomat voivat tämän kuitenkin ohittaa, kyseessä on aika inside-läppää. :)

Soooo... Here's a little something for my dear fellow #Hardlifers to look back to our last day working together. For the past 5 years you have been my everything. I will never forget you and I'll be looking forward to seeing you soon after I return from China. Hope you'll enjoy the video just as much as I enjoyed making it. You're the best! <3

p.s. Feel free to follow me on my trip by following my blog and instagram account. I'll be posting a ton of videos and pictures along my adventure. :)

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